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Getting Started

Let's walk you through creating a set of marketing copy, and ideas for, an AI-powered ⚡️ content generation tool 📣 .

Step 1: Choose the Content Type

Let's say, I decided to focus on increasing organic sign-ups and scale my SEO for The first thing that comes to my mind is writing a blog in niches such as Copywriting, Content Marketing, etc.

But I don't have the time to brainstorm the 100 Blog Topics I wish to write on. So, I choose the content type 'Blog Ideas' to help me with it.

Step 2: Enter your Product Name and Description

Give a name to your project. In this case, I am going to name it as my product name only. Enter a comprehensive description about your product in simple words.

<aside> 💡 To get the best results, you need to enter the descriptions that describe your brand best in the simplest words. Remember as a thumb rule, write your description as if you were explaining to a 5-year old.


Once you are done, click on the 'Create Blog Ideas' button and results will start populating in a few seconds and are automatically sorted by the length, and quality (from best to good, there's no bad. 😉)

Step 3: Review, Edit and Save Results

The results are out. 13 outputs in under 10 seconds! 🤯

Nobody is perfect. Edit the results by clicking on the card. (if needed)

Save the copy you like to your product name by clicking the save button on the left of each card.

You can also edit the copy results by clicking into the text box and making your edits directly.